I know, makeup on kids seems ridiculous since they are pretty much perfect naturally. That’s why when my client Emma showed up to have hair and makeup done for her 13 year old photos I looked at her and thought “She doesn’t need any makeup, she looks perfect.” This is about what she looked like when I was looking at her in person ↓
Because I knew her photos were being taken with a digital camera (meaning not shot with film you develop) I knew that details the human eye wouldn’t notice might stand out and possibly some of the good details I was noticing wouldn’t really show up very much. So I thought I’d take a before and after photo just to see if I was right. She is still so so pretty, but in the before photo she just didn’t have quite as much liveliness and color as she had when I was looking at her in person.  Here is her before photo ↓
Makeup on kids can be easy and here are a couple of things that you can do in about 5 minutes that will make a big difference on your littles in their photos:
♥Add blush. Something that would be close the color they’d actually be if they were blushing, typically a pinky tone.
♥Add mascara. If they’re really young or have a fair complexion use brown instead of black. For tips on putting mascara on someone else, watch this video
♥Asses the eyebrows. Often, they don’t even need to be touched. But if they’re really light or need to look a little bit more dense, you can add a tiny bit of color to them to bring them out. And I do mean a tiny bit. You don’t want to make your youngin look like Bert from Sesame Street 😕 (a ‘How to’ brow video is coming soon!)
Here’s a photo side by side ↓ Remember you only need a little bit of makeup.
For those of you who’d like to know what I used on gorgeous Emma to get her ready, here’s a list. *Keep in mind, I’m a professional makeup artist so use more expensive products, which is not exactly necessary if you’re just using them every once in a while for your little one. If you want to have some good stuff to use on yourself AND your little, then I’d say it’s worth the investment. Products Used:

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