I had the pleasure of working with Pyper America, a model who lives in LA. She is not only beautiful, she’s sweet and would not even let me pay for my own lunch. And now we bring to you the secrets of how to get your hair to stay curled!!!!
One of the things I hear people say is that their hair doesn’t hold curl. Often that is because they aren’t using any product or the right products. If curl falls out of your hair almost immediately you’ll want to put some product in it before you curl.
My favorite pre-curling spray is Oribe’s Impermeable. It’s just the right amount of hold without making your hair crunchy or sticky.
I used the Sultra Bombshell and I found it for a great deal here.
I love Oribe’s Superfine hairspray and you can get it for a great deal here.
Little hair clips to hold the curl in place while curling here.
Thank you to Tyson French for these amazing photos
Just an FYI, these curling irons are on sale with the Nordstrom sale for a great price.
Thanks for this tutorial! I LOVE it.
Oh ya I saw that! So awesome! I just tagged them here ’cause they were still a little bit cheaper but thank you so much for letting me know!
FYI, these curling irons are on sale with the Nordstrom anniversary sale for a great price.
Thank you so much for this step-by-step tutorial. I love it.
Will you be doing any more make up classes in the SLC area? I would love to attend one soon.
I’ve never tried clipping my curls while I do my hair. That’s a good idea! I do always try to put some product in my hair before curling if it is clean so that it will hold. Thanks for the tips!